Friday, June 18, 2021 ,do visit for marriage purpose


Indian Marriage – Compromise or Bond of Love?


Marriages in India are highly valued and regarded as a sacred event at all levels of the society. There are four major religions namely Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Christianity where people get married to each other for eternity. Indian marriages are not only a confluence between two souls but also a lifetime connection between two families.

But them most important thing is how we treat these marriages. It completely depends on our mindset that whether we think of them as a compromise or a beautiful and eternal bond of love.

Many people in remote areas of the country regard marriages to be just a compromise between two families and nothing else, whereas in urban areas where people are educated well and have sound logic regard them as a new beginning.

Generically, Indian marriage is a eternal bonding of love, commitment and respect between two individuals and two families irrespective of their religions. It should be given a status of a burden or a compromise.

People tend to respect the sentiment associated with an Indian marriage and the satisfaction and grace it brings along with itself to the individuals and their families.


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